by Angela Zacarias


Photography has always been part of my life. I grew up with my parents' black and white film photography, amazing pictures with a typical 70´s signature, and hearing adventure stories about their good old days in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, ten years before I was born. Hours and hours I spent amongst those memories, losing myself, dreaming about places I've never visited.

I studied arts for a long time, attempted small photography courses, visited countless exibhitions and ended up with a degree in Art Conservation and Restoration. For a few years I worked in Museums in my home country of Portugal, did an internship in Germany for six months and ended up on the small rocky island of Malta almost two years ago.
During last year I started to feel a lack of color and creativity in my life. It was the push I needed to start my own photography project and make an old dream come true. Since then it has been a tremendous experience!

I like to see beauty in small things and from small details record my eternal memories. Human beings and their personal experiences are the inspiration for my work. It is my aim to record all stories, experiences and feelings, so memory cannot erase them as the years go by.

Keeping these stories alive in someone's heart, beautiful and timeless… That is my goal.

I´m glad you came over for a visit to my blog. Welcome aboard on this adventure!
